Tagged: Knight of Cups

The Fear-Inducing Knight of Plastic Cups

Yeah, stupid name right? And it’s not far off what the real movie is going to be called, which is just ‘Knight of Cups’. I keep seeing pictures of Christian “I’m Batman” Bale and Isabel Lucas filming this ridiculously-titled film about the place. Lucas is one of those Aussie soap actresses (in Home and Away, so never knew her. I’m SO Neighbours over Home and Away any day) that’s somehow managed to make it in the ol’ H.Wood. She had a small role in Transformers, apparently, but that’s pretty much it so far. She is quite a looker when she wants to be.

OK, OK, the Knight of Cups is a Tarot card, but still, come on, ‘cups’!?! Who wants to be a knight of cups?! They’re not even glasses, they’re cups. Cups are plastic and flimsy.

Well, anyway, this should be a bit of a big deal because it’s Terrence Malick. To be honest with you, I didn’t really know much about Malick until there was all the hoo-ha about The Tree of Life. I’d heard of him as a director, but didn’t know he was such a seminal dude that every actor wants to work with, even if they don’t understand him, the film, the script or the plot.

This film also stars Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Antonia Banderas, Freida (Slumdog Millionaire) Pinto, West Bentley (who I always think is Prison Break’s Wentworth Miller, but really ain’t), Joe Manganiello (from True Blood) and Theresa Palmer, who’s a bit of an ‘up-and-coming’ and also another bloomin’ Aussie. According to IMDb the film involves a man who is ‘in search of love and truth’. Wow, a major plot spoiler there. I think with Malick, you’re never given too much to play with before release, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Knight of Cups

Follow me, for I am the one they call the Dark Knight, the Dark Knight of Cups…